Free Textbooks & Used Bookstores

Need books for class? Why spend $100s funding Jeff Bezos’ space vacation when you could get them for free!

UC Berkeley Library: Visit and see if you can get it either in print or online (Pro tip for PDF e-books: you have to download one chapter at a time, and it will limit how many you can download. When you hit the limit, copy the link, shut down your browser, open a new Private window and keep going!)

Berkeley Public Library: BPL has no late fees, so you can keep the books the entire semester.
Downtown main library is near BART at 2090 Kittredge Street.

Oakland Public Library: The Rockridge branch is handy to 51B
5366 College Ave, Oakland

Alameda County Library
Albany Branch: 1247 Marin Ave

Piracy websites
Reliable, trustworthy, legally … uh… questionable(!) sources for free PDFs: Library Genesis, Z-Library. Check wikipedia for the latest links, they change from time to time due to government censorship.

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